Beiteddine International Art Festival
In collaboration with
3D Mapping 30 years of international success
Beiteddine International Art Festival is one of the leading festivals in the Middle East held since 1985 in the magnificent Beiteddine Palace in the Chouf mountains of Lebanon.
Every summer, around 50,000 spectators gather in the 200 year old Palace’s spectacular courtyards to attend outstanding performances by world famous stars and Lebanese artists.
For the festival’s 30th anniversary, Studio Mr.White and Minus5 Architects were invited to bring a special aspect to this year’s milestone edition.
After a study of the site and its organizational layout, we proposed to give the festival goers a new experience this year as they travel into the festival premises.
Our Suggestion
Let’s turn a transition lane into a memory lane
The attention was turned to the entrance area, a space that had traditionally been a buffer traffic zone with no character due to being framed by the back of the tiers scaffolding.
We proposed to activate this area and capture the guests with an attractive large screen they would discover right as they cross the main entrance arcade.
Many iterations of the screen shape led to the final design inspired out of the visual language of the festival’s logo.
The Vehicle
A detailed geometric structure that mirrors the festival logo
The screen hovering in the air by night would come alive with a custom-made projection show tracing the rich history of the festival.
An Experience
A thorough review of 30 years of festival archives shaped the show in terms of both visuals and music.
In a fast uplifting flashback through a prismatic screen, the public remembered a wealth of artistic performances from the distant past up to modern days.
A Gift
The show was not only a review of the festival’s history, it was also a thank you gift to all the public who supported its achievements till now.
Connect the World by Touch
We are all united, connected but we forget.
Human empathy requires feelings and the best way to feel is by touch.
Portals allows you to see, hear and touch people from all over the world.
Live It And Relive it - VR
If an image is worth a thousand words, then a VR experience is akin to a life within a life.
With Cocoon you can plan your trip and record it in VR allowing you to eliminate unwanted surprises and relive great ones.
A step closer to Holograms - AR
The Augmented Card is your virtual signature, CV and showreel.
With a personal or unified app, users can access your information without the need for a computer and explore your profile in 360 degrees.
Sorted – Outsmart Your Garbage
Play, learn, solve problems, help your environment and planet.
A much-needed solution for two pressing problems, one we all know about
the other is buried under a pile of garbage.