Sabeel 2020

“Light Fountain”

An Initiative of Expo 2020 Dubai
In collaboration with Art Jameel

Our submission to the Sabeel 2020 competition, the “Light Fountain” Sabeel plays on the unity of light and water, the combination of which breathes life into the most unhospitable places and adds an element of spirituality and color to their surroundings. The Expo 2020 is huge milestone and is even more so for a country born out of the harshest environments, where nothing survives if it wasn’t for the precious element of water erupting from within, splitting a rock in half and collecting in glittering oases.

It is that rock that our submission gives homage to, the elementary watering hole is now a modern rock where water comes on command, and light gets refracted into crystalline colors that covers the thirsty travelers with awe, harmony and peace.Same as before a watering hole is a gathering place where a community can form, it is in such places where one talks about dreams and aspirations.

This playground of the body, mind and soul will be erect in many places to ease the avid Expo2020 explorers. What might look like a mirage from afar is a real oasis, a mini heaven where one can bask in the rainbow.

Let there be light, let there be water.

Studio MrWhite, Hani Abyad, Sabeel 2020, Art Jameel, Competition Submission, Light Fountain, Concept Drawing
Studio MrWhite, Hani Abyad, Sabeel 2020, Art Jameel, Competition Submission, Light Fountain, Concept Drawing
Studio MrWhite, Hani Abyad, Sabeel 2020, Art Jameel, Competition Submission, Light Fountain, Concept Drawing


Inspired by the notion of the sabeel, the programme sets out to reimagine the traditional drinking fountain as an iconic design for the Expo 2020 public space, harmoniously integrating both art and design elements.

A Sabeel is a community water fountain that provides relief to passersby and
travelers, and that symbolizes our collective responsibility and solidarity with people in our community and humanity as a whole.

Sabeel 2020 builds on the concept of shared humanity and solidarity, and seeks to celebrate water as our common good, while incorporating the Expo 2020 sub-themes of Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability.

Studio MrWhite, Hani Abyad, Sabeel 2020, Art Jameel, Competition Submission, Light Fountain, Concept Drawing
Studio MrWhite, Hani Abyad, Sabeel 2020, Art Jameel, Competition Submission, Light Fountain, Concept Drawing
Studio MrWhite, Hani Abyad, Sabeel 2020, Art Jameel, Competition Submission, Light Fountain, Concept Drawing


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